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일하여 얻으라 . 그러면 운명의 바퀴를 붙들어 잡은것이다 -랄프 왈도 에머슨
김시경 : 2024,03,14 22:37   |   조회수 : 27
작성자 비밀번호
자동입력방지번호 34975
박고자 Pamela Salem, Miss Moneypenny in Bond movie ‘Never Say Never Again,’ dead at 80
British actress Pamela Salem, who starred alongside Sean Connery as Miss Moneypenny in the 1983 James Bond film “Never Say Never Again,” has died at age 80, production company Big Finish announced Friday.
Salem, who was born in India in 1944, also worked with the late Connery in the 1978 comedy heist movie “The First Great Train Robbery.”
Her TV career included roles in TV shows including “ER,” “The West Wing” and “Doctor Who.”
Salem, who moved to the US in the 1990s, also enjoyed a career as a co-writer and radio and theater producer alongside her husband Michael O’Hagan, Big Finish said
김고은 Pamela Salem, Miss Moneypenny in Bond movie ‘Never Say Never Again,’ dead at 80
British actress Pamela Salem, who starred alongside Sean Connery as Miss Moneypenny in the 1983 James Bond film “Never Say Never Again,” has died at age 80, production company Big Finish announced Friday.
Salem, who was born in India in 1944, also worked with the late Connery in the 1978 comedy heist movie “The First Great Train Robbery.”
Her TV career included roles in TV shows including “ER,” “The West Wing” and “Doctor Who.”
Salem, who moved to the US in the 1990s, also enjoyed a career as a co-writer and radio and theater producer alongside her husband Michael O’Hagan, Big Finish said
웅사마 ESPN remains silent after Aaron Rodgers’ ugly attack on Jimmy Kimmel
The sports broadcaster ignited a torrent of backlash on Tuesday when he allowed the conspiracy curious and injured New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers to baselessly suggest during his show that Jimmy Kimmel might be named in documents identifying Jeffrey Epstein associates.
Kimmel, undeniably one of the brightest stars in the Disney universe, fired back at the assertion made on ABC’s sister channel, saying the “reckless words” put his family “in danger” and that if he kept it up, the two of them would “debate the facts further in court.”
2024.03.15 16:29

봄이 다가오면 따뜻한 날씨와 화사한 꽃들이 만개하는 아름다운 계절이지만, 함께 따라오는 것 중 하나는 면역력 저하입니다. 봄철 면역력을 강화하고 건강을 지키기 위해 몇 가지 방법을 고려해보세요:

  1. 균형 잡힌 식사: 신선한 봄나물과 과일을 섭취하여 비타민과 미네랄을 충분히 공급받아야 합니다. 영양 균형을 맞추면 면역 시스템을 강화할 수 있어요.

  2. 규칙적인 신체 활동: 가볍게 산책하거나 스트레칭을 통해 신체를 활성화시키고 면역력을 강화하세요.

  3. 자외선 차단: 햇볕에 오랜 시간 노출되면 피부 손상과 햇빛 화상의 위험이 있으므로 외출 시에는 햇볕 차단제를 꼭 바르고, 모자나 선글라스를 착용하여 피부를 보호해야 합니다.

  4. 스트레스 관리: 봄철은 활기와 생기가 넘치지만, 스트레스도 함께 발생할 수 있는 시기입니다. 적절한 휴식과 스트레스 관리를 통해 면역력을 유지하세요.

  5. 기초체온 관리: 봄철 일교차가 크므로 옷을 여러 겹 입어 체온 조절을 쉽게 할 수 있어야 합니다.

봄철 건강을 지키는 첫걸음을 지금 시작해보세요!

2024.03.15 16:29